Unplug and Explore Nourse Farm
Saturday, May 11th, 2024
(all activities run 12 to 4 PM UNLESS otherwise noted*)
From its rolling green hills, varied berry bushes and even its Hereford cattle, Nourse Farm offers the Westborough community a chance to unplug and reconnect with the natural beauty around us. Today's local food movement has created a surge of interest in buying local, fresh fruit and vegetables, and the farm is proud to showcase its greens, as well as its animals and green space as part of the weeklong Westborough Unplugs celebration, sponsored by Westborough Connects.
Parking: When coming from Route 30, park along the east (left) side of Jasper Street, parallel to the sidewalk. From West Main Street, park in the lot to the left (follow the signs and/or look for the parking attendant for direction.) During the event, all traffic is one way from Route 30 to West Main Street. Please take care when parking your vehicle and look out for pedestrians!
Schedule of Events
All events are within easy walking distance of the Farm store and are ongoing from 12 to 4 PM unless otherwise noted.
Draft Horse Talk (12:30 PM & 3:00 PM): West side of barns. Join Karen Baldwin and her horse for a discussion about draft horses.
Cattle Talk (1:00 PM & 3:45 PM): Adjacent to the cow pasture behind the Farm Store. Join David Nourse for a short description of the farm’s Hereford Beef Cattle herd. Following the talk, watch Nourse Farm staff herd the cows across Route 30 to return to their pasture.
DIY Trail Mix: Snack Time Demo (1:30 PM): Join Dietitian-in-Residence and Head Veg, Catherine Nourse to create a nutrient-dense, allergy-friendly snack to enjoy along the trail.
Geology Hike (2:00 PM only): Explore Nourse Farm’s geology during a one-hour hike with local geologist Andy Koenigsberg. Learn how the soils and features of the farm were formed by the advance and retreat of glaciers. The hike will traverse the farms’ hills and dales (including some muddy parts), so wear your hiking shoes! The hike begins at the Welcome Booth.
Bird Walk (2:00 PM only): Learn about the birds that make Nourse Farm their home or resting spot with a 9th generation Nourse, Ben Nourse Gross. The walk is geared toward families and will follow a dirt road through the farm. Bring sharp eyes and binoculars to assist in the search! Walk begins at the same time as the geology hike at the welcome booth.
Tractor Touch: Tractors and farm equipment will be on display adjacent to the Farm Store & Veg Out; feel free to touch, climb on, and photograph these modern-day workhorses.
Biodiversity Exploration: Observe the wildlife around you and learn about the role biodiversity plays on our farm with this self-paced activity.
En Plein Aire (Sketch Your Favorite Spot): Draw/sketch/color your favorite detail about the farm and display it with others in the Event Tent for all to see!
Veg Out @ Nourse Farm Food Truck: Open and ready to take your order for plant-forward soups, sandwiches, smoothies, & snacks.
Goats! Lane next to Barn. Get up close and personal with the farm’s Nigerian Dwarf goats (Ben, Bert, and Ernie).
Walking Trail: Stroll along our self-guided trail to the top of the hill and enjoy great views of the Farm, its growing crops, and the surrounding countryside. Younger participants can test their observation skills and complete the bio-diversity exploration activity along the way.
History Exhibit: Learn about the history of Nourse Farm at our history exhibit on the south (left) side of the Farm Store.
Westborough Connects Welcome Table: Meet and chat with members of Westborough Connects! Learn more about their programs and initiatives and in honor of the national Screen Free Week, be sure to pick-up related resources and other information.
The Turquoise Table: Meet with Realtor and community enthusiast Stephanie Stuchlik to learn about the Turquoise Table movement and how an ordinary turquoise picnic table can help build the kind of community we desire.